nOT NORMAL | Issue 1




How to become

not normal

THe Power Of


straight line




Letter from The editor

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Letter from the editor

our mission

Page 4

How our vision and mission affect everything we do.


Page 5

An important ongoing series on the topic of how to stand up, stand out, and be yourself.


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Featuring a young member of the Not Normal Network. Meet Walker--a fan of fitness, learning, and traveling.


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Walker breaks down what he has learned recently working with one of his mentors.


Page 14

How the right network is crucial today and imperative in the world we are going into.


Page 15

Get the goods. Wear the message.

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by Ben Richardson, editor

This issue is dedicated to all the young Not Normals out there--the bold, courageous, and independent souls entering the decade of their twenties looking for a reliable signal through all the noise.

My thoughts in this issue draw inspiration from a recent trip to Iceland.

For this trip, my son and I rented an off-road SUV to explore waterfalls, fjords, geysers, lava flows, and hot springs.

At times, the remote highland roads

we explored were consumed by clouds of volcanic ash and steam

emanating from vents on either side of the barely navigable road.

Short, white, trail posts positioned at intervals along the way were the only indication we were still on a "road".

Sometimes we could see from one marker to the next. Sometimes we drove blindly into the blowing ash--able to see just 10 feet ahead at mid-day. Our windshield wipers worked feverishly to prevent the ash from building up on the windscreen.

Eventually, a marker would materialize in front of us only to quickly dissolve into the mist behind as we drove on into the great sand storm of adventure ahead. A great uncertain journey punctuated by brief moments of surety.

Occasionally in life, you'll get a few road markers. We hope this issue is one of them.

There are not many folks willing to drive into the unknown adventure of life. We hope this network will provide a few traveling companions worthy of your journey ahead.

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Young people are reaching adulthood completely unprepared for the real world.

It’s not their fault. They have been misled and placed into a system that is no longer viable.

Our Industrial Era style education system is designed to hold people back.

The model that worked for three and a half generations of, “go to school, get good grades, borrow for college, get a job, and save for retirement” is completely broken.

We believe a “Not-Normal” education is needed to thrive today.

VISION: We believe young people need a new path to adulthood with a new set of skills for success in the New World.

MISSION: Our mission is to help 10,000 students reach adulthood at escape velocity before 2029.

Meaning, that they can provide for themselves, are prepared for the new world, and pointed in the right direction.

*The New World: Meaning, increasing abundance, unlimited leverage, exponential technological change, generational societal shifts, technologically driven changes, global opportunities, and the need for continual personal growth.

OUTCOME: NTNRML gives young people hope, skills for their future, and a network to launch successfully into life.

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An on-going series

by Ben Richardson




#2. You are multi-dimensional. That's ok. The idea that a person is defined by their singular occupation is outdated and inaccurate, in my opinion.

Learn valuable skills.

Follow your interests, for your interests frequently will lead you to your competencies.

Great opportunities are frequently at the intersection of two or more disciplines.

Apple example: the integration of marketing, hardware design, and software gave apple computers a huge advantage for many years.

Three Ways To Become NTNRML

by Ben Richardson

#1. By definition, if you are not normal, you will be different from many of those well-intentioned, NPCs around you.

You may see things others don't see.

You may make connections others can't.

The most obvious, self-evident truths are imperceptible to others even after great lengths are taken to explain.

I'm here to tell you this is not only OK, but the best possible scenario for you and the next few years of your life.


#3. You can't see around the next corner from where you are standing today. You need to move to give yourself a new perspective.

In the physical world, you literally need to move your feet so you can physically be in a new position to see around a corner, or over a hill, or out the window.

In relationships, business, or the real world, you need to just make a decision and take that step.

It doesn't matter if it is wrong because you won't be able to know if it was the right step or not until you can look back from a new position.

So the single most important thing to do to move forward with confidence is to start moving.

Very quickly you will see how you should change course or adjust. These insights are only possible to obtain if you are in motion.

Make a decision.

Take action.


Repeat and enjoy the journey.




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walker richardson


Age: 18

Weight: 160 lbs

School: NTNRML University


Puerto Rico


Traveling, Football, Lifting Weights, Fitness, Piano, Ukelele, Guitar, Photography, Flying Drones, Spearfishing, and Free-Diving. Currently filming and editing for a large YouTube channel.

Fun Facts:

Set a 40-year school record for a Back Squat of 405 lbs and another for Power Clean of 275 lbs. Repped 1000 lbs. on Leg Press for five reps. Swam out to an iceberg to retrieve a crashed drone..

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"If you want to fly like the eagles, you gotta stop hanging around with the turkeys."

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What i'm



I'm currently working full-time for a large YouTube channel that teaches real estate investing. I'm loving the exposure I am getting into the mind of a successful real estate investor, YouTuber, and course creator.

I'm currently taking a real estate course and learning how to find and wholesale properties. I hope to have my first deal done by the end of this year.

This job has provided me with an opportunity to learn very quickly about video filming, audio, video editing, story telling, managing a YouTube channel, and marketing.

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I attended public school until the start of 10th grade. Even with incredible parents, I'm realizing I'm still trying to overcome the public school mentality of doing just what I'm told and doing the bare minimum.

I'm learning how to be proactive and add value to my partners.

I've learned that in business, creativity and problem-solving is not just not allowed, but essential to getting the job done.

One day at the office, my boss had new equipment all over his office, but nowhere to put it. So I took some measurements, did some quick searching, and sent him a link to a couple of bookshelves that would fit perfectly into his studio space.

It didn't take me long, but he really appreciated my proactive stance and how I was helping him be more efficient.

Be A Valuable Partner

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I’m taking advantage of living in Puerto Rico to learn Spanish and meet with the many mentors in our network.

I publish my ideas on alternatives to a college degree and what we are doing at NTNRML to prepare young people for adulthood.

Each week I capture what I’m up to in the format of a weekly newsletter.

I report on what I’m doing to prepare for life, the insights I’m having, the things I’m learning, and the types of people I’m meeting on my journey.

I’m currently working on my video skills, storytelling skills, and diving.

follow my letter and others at

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In a rapidly changing world, a powerful network is crucial.

Connecting with the right network provides opportunities that can fast-track your learning, growth, and chances of success. Conversely, the wrong network can bring you down. Sometimes it’s necessary to start over with a fresh identity not held back by other people’s attachments to your former self.

Three things the right network can do for you.

Not-normal people are always doing interesting things. Their world is continually expanding and they are always looking for people who can help them grow and manage their projects. If you build skills, become competent, and look to provide value where you can, you will quickly be given opportunities and responsibilities. It doesn’t take long for doors to open.

1. Increases Your Knowledge and Speed of Learning. Being part of a powerful network gives access to a wealth of knowledge,

insights, and perspectives. This helps you earn the latest skills quickly, pursue new opportunities, and make faster decisions.

2. Gives You Direction and Experience.

A strong network is a gateway to mentorships, business opportunities, and potential partnerships. To engage successfully with a network, provide value to others, be useful, and your connections and resources will expand rapidly. Mentors will be eager to help you get started right.

3. Builds Your Credibility and Reputation.

Being part of a well-respected network can boost your credibility and reputation. Associations with sound individuals will guide you and add legitimacy to your efforts.

In today's rapidly changing world, a powerful network becomes an invaluable asset, provides access to knowledge, gives mentorship, and can shortcut the long, and often lonely, path to success.

Joining a strong network is essential for individuals to thrive in the new world.


Walker on a film project

for one of his new mentors.

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Fit Check:

T-shirt by NTNRML

Material: 100% Cotton

Sizes: S, M, L, XL while supplies last

Fit: Athletic


Designed and made in USA

Available Only At:

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SCAN THIS QR CODE, or go to to apply.

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